Your Gifts

We are called to be stewards of all God’s gifts. This means our daily decisions and acts — all the ways that we put to use the time, talents, and treasures of our lives — are meant to be God-pleasing. Whenever and however we offer these gifts for the work of God, it is an act of worship.

​The manner that we live our lives is an expression of faith, and our daily decisions are small acts of worship. The pages that are listed under our website’s Ministries tab will give you a sense of how your time and talents can be faithfully offered at All Saints. Our ministries are driven by gifts of time and talents, however each one of them also requires financial investments, whether directly or indirectly. Your financial contributions create ministry, and they sustain ministry.

Online Giving

You are able to give toward the ministries of All Saints Lutheran Church at any time with online giving. If you find that you rarely have cash or checks on you, then online giving is probably the best option for you to conveniently make a one-time gift or set up a recurring contribution.

Online giving helps your congregation. The more people who schedule online contributions, the greater percentage of the offerings that the congregation can trust will be present during lean periods. In addition, it allows you to still be invested in the mission of the congregation even if you are unable to attend on a particular Sunday.

If you would like to give online, you may use one of the following links to complete your contribution. Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Make a Contribution as a Guest

(no login required)

Make a Contribution as a Member

(Create a login using your email address on record in our office)

Sunday Offering

The early church recognized that the ministry they were called to do required gifts. At the outset of the church, an offering of food and money was collected during worship in order to aid the ministries of the church. This practice continues to this day, and our offering is an integral part of the liturgy that allows us to tangibly acknowledge that God’s mission in this world is more than worthy of our contributions.

Stock Donations

Some households like to make contributions of stocks to the ministry of the congregation. All Saints Lutheran Church is willing to accept gifts of stocks and equities. Please contact the church office for more information about this.

Flowers in Memory or Thanksgiving

There are flowers given each week that add beauty to our narthex. These are given in memory of individuals or in thanksgiving of life events. Please contact the church office if you would like to offer flowers in memory or thanksgiving.

Mission and Property Endowment Funds

The purpose of the Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) is to provide an enduring legacy of support for the mission of the Church in the local community, the state, and the country, in conjunction with the synod and national church.

The purpose of the Property Endowment Fund (PEF) is for the provision of funds for the long term upkeep and preservation of All Saints Lutheran Church’s buildings and its grounds.

Both Endowment Funds ensure, sustain, and enhance this work in perpetuity, apart from our congregation’s general operations.

You can access the 2024 Online Application Form by following this link:

or if you prefer a printable application form, you may download it here: 2024 ASLC Mission Endowment Fund Application – Google Forms (1)

Please contact the church office for more info on the All Saints Mission Endowment Fund.

Memorial Gifts

There are times in which gifts are given in memory of an individual. Memorial gifts are put to use in a manner that is worthy of the memory of the one who is deceased, typically for the purpose of something meaningful and special that is not included in our annual Ministry Vision Plan. Memorial gifts may be given online via the Give Now or Member Giving button. Gifts can also be given through a check that has a memo line indicating for whom it is a memorial gift.