Zoom Pastors’ Class 5:30 Wednesdays

Join us for a Zoom Pastor’s Class each Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 6:30pm. This ongoing series is titled The 3 Questions, which draws from the three renouncing questions found in our liturgy of baptism. The class will begin with a seven-week focus discussion on the history of racism in America. Nothing is required prior to the first class, but participants will be asked to do some minimal homework prior to the subsequent classes. The target audience is adults, but interested youth will not be left out.

For link, please email Pastor Kris or call the front office.

In addition to that series, a weekly video devotion will be posted on the YouTube channel on Tuesdays and shared on Facebook. Each devotion will be based on the lesson that was not read in our worship service the previous Sunday.

Become a Eucharistic and Visitation Ministry Team Member

Our Eucharistic and Visitation Ministry is seeking to expand its volunteer teams. If you would like to share  the Sacrament of Holy Communion with the homebound one Sunday each month, or simply visit with them and share conversation regularly in their homes, we encourage you to join this ministry.  Want to find out more?  Contact the Church Office, 843-884-5470 or Pat Stribling,  843-224-2038.

Holy Communion

Become a Eucharistic and Visitation Ministry Team Member

Holy Communion to be offered during October 25 Worship

Our worship services continue to include the celebration of Holy Communion monthly, in the safe manner that our drive-in worship logistics allow. Members of our Altar Guild prepare the elements, carefully placing the bread into individually sealed ziploc bags, and the wine into small cups with lids. Please pick up the Communion elements as you drive into the worship area this Sunday, October 25.  It’s also Reformation Sunday, so wear your red!