The Trustees are Here to Help

We all desire some peace of mind for ourselves and for our loved ones as we reflect upon an unfolding future that is far from certain. A directed conversation with someone about your end-of-life plans can provide some assurance that all is in place for your loved ones. We, your elected trustees of All Saints’ Mission Endowment Fund, are willing to help.

If you would like to generally discuss what is needed to establish a will or estate plan, reach out to us to have an “assurance conversation.” Our hope is that you will feel confident that your interests for your loved ones and the institutions you value are properly documented. As trustees, we also can share the steps to include the ongoing mission of the congregation in your estate plans. If you would like to begin an assurance conversation or learn more about the congregation’s Mission Endowment Fund, please reach out to one of us: Bob Abel, Ken Ayoub, and Nancy Appel. If you have already included All Saints in your estate plan but have not told us, please do! Doing so will help us make sure your gift is used in the way you intend.   Soli Deo Gloria

All Saints COVID-19 Plan

As you know, the church Council has been monitoring the ever-changing situation during the COVID-19 pandemic and creating plans for how our church operates during this time of shutdown. In addition, Council has commissioned the Safety & Security Team to draft a plan for how and when we will resume to in-person services and activities, once the situation begins to improve.

The proposed plan is still a work in progress, but Safety & Security has released a Draft Summary for the congregation to review. You may find the Summary here: All Saints COVID Return Summary

Zoom Pastors’ Class 5:30 Wednesdays

Join us for a Zoom Pastor’s Class each Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 6:30pm. This ongoing series is titled The 3 Questions, which draws from the three renouncing questions found in our liturgy of baptism. The class will begin with a seven-week focus discussion on the history of racism in America. Nothing is required prior to the first class, but participants will be asked to do some minimal homework prior to the subsequent classes. The target audience is adults, but interested youth will not be left out.

For link, please email Pastor Kris or call the front office.

In addition to that series, a weekly video devotion will be posted on the YouTube channel on Tuesdays and shared on Facebook. Each devotion will be based on the lesson that was not read in our worship service the previous Sunday.